"I swear, mother. You will get what you deserve"
Softshadow is a ThunderClan warrior, born to Iceheart and {OPEN}, alongside Flyheart.
Was formerly mentoring Dawnpaw. Formerly mentored by Dogbark.
Mates with Darkmoon, and the couple has yet to have kittens.
Softshadow is a definetly a grumpy cat. He is known among the clans for his great fighting skill, and known among his own clan for his stragizing. He holds a bloodthirsty grudge for his mother, and his brother. As both of them hate him. He hates his mother more, because she manipulated Flyheart into hating him. Dreaming of drowning gave him trauma as an apprentice, and what made it worse was Ravenstep and his band of bullies.
He wants to help ThunderClan, and his undying loyalty to ThunderClan is something no cat in any clan can doubt, accept for a few, of course.
➳ Loyal
➳ Brave
➳ Sarcastic
➳ Fierce
➳ Reserved
➳ Grumpy
➳ Evil (At times)
➳ Unforgiving
Breed- Siberian cat
Body type- Muscular legs, skinny body, so skinny you can see his ribs at times.
Scent- Fresh-kill
Scars- one on his shoulder, one on his back
Aspenstar | Leader; Fiercely loyal to, misses.
Fallen | Rouge; Softshadow thought he hated fallen at first. Now he isn't so bad
.Darkmoon | his mate: Sort of a partner in crime.
Dawnpaw | Apprentice; Very proud of, Regrets treating her so badly in the past.
Dogbark | Former mentor; has respect for, wants to prove himself to.
Thyme | Loner; Has mixed feelings for. Thinks she's a little too jumpy.
Iceheart | Mother; Complete idiot, swears he'll kill her one day.
Ravenstep | Apprenticehood rival; has a deep rooted hatred for
Soft- for his soft fur
Shadow - For his shady behaviour
Roleplay Tracker
Fallen and Darkmoon in Thunderclan territory
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